In Greek mythology The calendula flowers They are Aphrodite's tears when he cried for the death of his lover Adonis. His tears when touching the earth became the calendula flower.
This myth is very beautiful. There are people who believe that the calendula is a sad flower for this, but it is also the sign that from the saddest and hardest experiences a light that was off was sprout in you. It is the sign that sometimes to grow we have to go through the worst storms.
This flower also provides protection in legal matters.
The calendula in ethnobotany:
The calendula (calendula officinalis), also known as wonder, is a plant with a rich history of medicinal and magical uses. In ethnobotany and folklore, the calendula has numerous meanings and applications. Next, I detail some of the magical meanings and traditional uses of the calendula flower:
Love and attraction: The calendula has associations with love and attraction. It is used to attract love, strengthen existing relationships and encourage loyalty and affection between couples.
Healing and health: In the magical field, it is used in healing rituals to promote physical and emotional well -being.
Clarity and vision: In popular magic, the calendula is associated with mental clarity and vision. Place calendula in your candle to induce prophetic dreams and improve intuition.
Joy and positive energy: The bright and sunny flowers of the calendula are a symbol of joy and positive energy. They can also be carried as amulet to foster a cheerful spirit.
Spiritual connection: His energy helps open the heart and mind, promoting inner peace and spiritual understanding.