He heather It is a magical plant from the Druidic era, they are used in protection tools, in broom and even for hydromiel. It contains a strong burden of happiness and gives good omen. Its color is linked to admiration, loneliness and beauty. The loneliness because they usually grow in parts where there are no plants, the arm is full of self -confidence and it is what can help you. To create your space or protection circle in which to be at peace, live your independence and shine. It comes to remember your internal strength and that also allowing you to be well with you you can show others your love towards them and your light.

Brozo is an element that invites you to look around and choose which people want close, that you prioritize people „vitamin“ and let go of the people who lower your vibration.

Brozo in ethnobotany:

The flower of the heather (Calluna vulgaris or species of the genus Erica), also known as Brecina, is a plant that has a rich symbolism and multiple uses in ethnobotany and folklore. Next, I detail some of the magical meanings and traditional uses of the Brokery Flower:

  1. Good luck and prosperity: Brez is known for attracting good luck and prosperity. In many cultures, it is believed that wearing or placing it at home can attract good fortune and success. It is also used in new project start rituals to ensure prosperity.

  2. Love and attraction: The flow of heather has associations with love and attraction. Put in your candle if you want to strengthen love and passion in your relationships. It is also used to attract new love relationships and improve harmony between couples.

  3. Clarity and vision: In popular magic, heather is associated with mental clarity and vision. Put in your candle to improve concentration and facilitate decision making. It is also believed that it can help in practices of divination and prophetic dreams.

  4. Peace and tranquility: The bright flower is used to promote peace and tranquility. It is also placed at home to create an environment of serenity and emotional balance.

  5. Connection with the spiritual world: Heather has a strong connection with the spiritual and the magical. In some traditions, it is used in rituals to communicate with the spirits of nature and to honor the ancestors. 

  6. Healing and health: The flow of heather is also associated with healing and health. In the magical field, it is used in healing rituals to promote physical and emotional well -being.

  7. Fertility and creativity: Heather is used in rituals to increase fertility and creativity. It is believed that people can help and bring their creative projects. It is also used in amulets to enhance inspiration and productivity.