The Orange blossom petals It is a plant that balances the energies and helps you channel the light of the universe. Because of the color and texture symbolizes purity. It provides calm and well -being, is a protective of health in a physical plane, that is, once the disease has already manifested in the body.
You can use it if you want to enhance your friendship and love relationships.
Orange blossom in ethnobotany:
The Azahar flower, which comes from the bitter orange (Citrus Aurantium) or the sweet orange (citrus sinensis), has a deep meaning in ethnobotany and folklore. This white, fragrant and delicate flower is valued not only by its beauty and aroma but also by its numerous symbolic and magical associations. Next, I explain some of the magical meanings and traditional uses of the orange blossom:
Love and marriage: The orange blossom is a universal symbol of love and purity. Its aroma and beauty symbolize the purity of love and commitment among newly married.
Peace and tranquility: Orange blossom flowers have soothing and relaxing properties. They are used in rituals and magical practices to promote inner peace, relieve stress and calm the mind.
Protection and purification: The orange blossom is used in protection and purification rituals. Put orange blossom petals to clean the negative energy space and protect people who live in it.
Renewal and new beginnings: Due to its flowering in spring, the orange blossom symbolizes renewal and new beginnings. It is used in starting rituals of new stages of life, to attract new opportunities and renew personal energy.
Good luck and prosperity: In some cultures, Azahar flower is associated with good luck and prosperity. Get Oil in your candle if you want to attract fortune and success in various aspects of life.
Clarity and spiritual lighting: It is used in spiritual meditations and practices to open the mind, improve concentration and connect with the Higher Self.
Fertility and creativity: The Azahar flower is linked to fertility not only in the marriage context, but also in terms of creativity and creation. It is used in rituals to enhance creativity, initiate artistic projects and promote fertility in the personal and professional sphere.