Process of an iRanti candle
Today I come to tell you how we do soy wax candles in Iranti.
Iranti means "memory", we want that through our candles you remember taking a moment for yourself. For Meditate, write, relax, breathe, do yoga, dance, sing ... anything that makes You connect with your essence.
The first curiosity we have when there is something done by hand is how it is done, as soon as we see a handm made product we ask ourselves Is it at all hand done? How have they done it? Will it be well done? pToday I wanted to make a blog entry explaining a bit which is our process when making the sails Iranti.
The candles in Iranti are an artisanal process, we have three type of candles.
1) Aluminum container (silver).

2) Glass container (glass).

3) Without container (it is prepared with a mold).

For the three options we meant the soy wax first, either in the water bath or in an aluminum container.

Once the wax is melted, the first step is to bathe the rayon or cotton raccoon with eucalyptus soul.
-We braided rayon ray we use for the glass candle in which we put double whale.
-And the cotton and soul of eucalyptus paper are ecological taxes that we use in our aluminum containers.
None is better than the other, they are simply the best option for each container, for each measure and especially for how we want the Iranti candle to burn.

Both raccoon allow the candle to be consumed in a slow way in which we can get the most out of the candle without the so -called "tunnel" being formed. This occurs when the wick does not have the necessary power to burn the entire wax and there are many waste. It also affects the wick, when there is the diameter of the candle it is wide and we do not put a correct wick is created the "Mushrooming" that appears as a mushroom at the tip of the wick and it is the excess of coal. It is very important
In Iranti we have achieved that this does not happen and can be a product in which the entire wax is consumed and "Zero Waste".
When we bathe the wax in soy wax we let it dry while we heat the rest of the wax at the desired temperature (the desired temperature is 175-185º F, depending on the aroma will be better or less better) to add the aroma and mix the Pure essential oil with soy wax.
To pour the wax with the essential oil in the aluminum container we wait for the wax to cool a little.
And with the glass container and the mold we usually wait for the wax to be very temperate to pour the wax and adhere well to the walls.
Here is an important fact and that is always and that the candle is soybeans there is 80% probability that spots are made, or as air bubbles.
Well, this happens because once we pour the wax into the container, some parts are cooked faster than others. There is really no way to bring control that area cools before so that once 24 hours pass aesthetic spots like the photo. This only aesthetically affects and not the burning function since it is the "normal" form of soy wax drying.
The soy wax usually lasts 24 hours to cure to transport it. For the aroma to cure along with the soy wax it is good to wait 7 days and thus the pure essential oil will slowly spread in the room and its presence will be greater than if we let it cure only for 24 hours.
A curious fact is that we put the soy wax candle better against better, with a maximum of 45 days. This will make it last longer.
There are many people who choose to freeze the candle and I believe that it is a very bad idea, the soybeans when being creamy begins to sweat and especially if it has no container is slippery and gets rid of a bit.
When the candle has cured we start decorating it in a personalized way for each client and wrap it well so that it does not break.
The last step is to take her to Correos to arrive as soon as possible to her new home.
And that's all for today, if you have any questions I will be happy to answer you.
A hug and again thank you very much for support!